Fire Risk Assessments
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into effect in October 2006. The Order applies to virtually all buildings, places and structures other than private dwellings e.g. individual flats in a block, or family homes (although the order applies to all common parts in flats and apartment buildings). It places the sole responsibility onto employers (and other people) to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare of employees and that a Fire Risk Assessment is carried out on all premises.
Where there are 5 or more persons sited at a premises, the Fire Risk Assessment must be formally and properly documented by a competent* person. Failure to do so constitutes an offence and where people are put at serious risk of fire, criminal proceedings can result in heavy fines or even imprisonment imposed.
* A competent person should have an understanding of the systems / processes involved in relation to Fire Risk Assessment, have an appreciation of fire safety and be aware of the Fire Evacutation Strategy.
Fire Risk Assesments - Do you need one?
If you answer "Yes" to any of these questions, then you are required by law to complete a Fire Risk Assessment;
- Are you responsible for communal premises (i.e schools, meeting halls, churches etc.) or residential flats and apartment buildings?
- Are you an employer?
- Are you self-employed with business premises?
- Are you a contractor with a degree of control over any premises?
- Do you rent or lease an office or floor within a large building of any type?
Our Fire Risk Assessments, along with detailed report and action plan prepared after each inspection, are designed to satisfy both the Local Authority Building Control Officers and Fire & Rescue Service Authority requirements under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 , as well as meet the duty of care of employers. We will represent you with any subsequent enquiries from the Fire and Rescue Service Authority. The Fire Service is the enforcing authority - they may inspect to ensure compliance.
Our comprehensive reports include any photographs necessary to highlight particular features, structures and processes encountered to enhance the clarity of the Fire Risk Assessment. Appropriate action plans will be included if necessary. Pricing is based on the size and complexity of your premises and business. We will guarantee price to be competitive.